Volunteer + Membership

Ignite your passion for history and community by becoming a member of the Surry County, VA Historical Society. Fill out the form below and we’ll reach out to you as soon as possible!

Individual Membership Classes Annual Dues*:
General Member $20.00
Sustaining Member $50.00
Benefactor $100.00
Life Member $500.00
Student Member $5.00
*Membership dues are for the budget year of June 1 - May 31 of each year. The Bylaws currently state that dues should be paid by October 31, and are in arrears after December 31. Sustaining or Benefactor indicates a general membership with an additional donation of ($30 or $80) given to help the Society’s expenses. Your membership class and address can be added in the “Message” box. Thank you!


Looking to support our volunteers? Donate today!